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Congratulations! You have made it to the final task. For the final exam you can earn up to 60 points. Please complete the following tasks listed below. Be sure to e-mail everything to  and remember to include your HOL Name, ID and House. All assignments and the final exam are due by January 10th. 

Option One - Story Time (Worth 30 points)

In 1946, after WW II, a young Englishwoman named Claire Beauchamp Randall goes to the Scottish Highlands with her husband, Frank. She’s an ex-combat nurse, he’s been in the army as well, they’ve been separated for the last six years, and this is a second honeymoon; they’re getting re-acquainted with each other, thinking of starting a family. But one day Claire goes out walking by herself, and comes across a circle of standing stones—such circles are in fact common all over northern Britain.  She walks through a cleft stone in the circle….and disappears. Back into 1743, where the first person she meets is a gentleman in an 18th-century army officer’s uniform. This gentleman, Jack Randall, looks just like her husband Frank—and proves to be Frank’s six-times-great-grandfather. Unfortunately, he also proves to be a sadistic man, and while trying to escape from him, Claire falls into the hands of a gang of Highland Scots, who are also trying to get away from Black Jack Randall—though for other reasons.

In order to avoid being handed over to Captain Randall, Claire is obliged to marry one of the young clansmen. So she finds herself trying to escape from Castle Leoch and her Scottish captors, trying to get back to her husband Frank and trying to avoid being recaptured by Captain Randall. 

Now this is where you come into the story. You have just stumbled upon Claire while she is running through the woods. She has just escaped from her Scottish captors. and is trying to make her way back to the circle of Standing Stones. Her clothes are torn, she has multiple cuts and scrapes. She is sweating yet cold. The trip will take two days on foot to get back to the standing stones. Using the knowledge you have obtained from this class, help Claire get back to the stones. (Some things to think about.... are there any remedies you can find while out in the woods? How do you make a fire? How do you avoid being captured? Who are you? Describe your character.... are you a white lady? - These are all just ideas to get your imagination flowing) Please no less than 300 words (although I won't necessarily be counting words. I just want to see some effort put into this story. Also, if you can use references from the previous lessons, even better!


Option Two - Crossword Puzzle (Worth 30 Points)







































2- Ancient Celtic legends say that these circles in the grass were actually caused by ________ ?


5- Les Dames Blanches are found in what type of folklore?


7- An anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-viral medicine.


8- This rising led to the Battle of Culloden


9- Prince Charles Edward Stuart also went by this other name


12- La Dame Blanche translates to?


13- Widely used in the Highlands to treat kidney stones.


14- These stones are located near Lewis, Scotland





1- This can be used to detoxifying and regenerate the effects on the liver.


3- The most famous circle of stones located in England


4- A member of the mint family, similar to peppermint.


6- the Callanish Stones could model this fictional circle near Culloden


7- The name of a witch that Claire becomes friends with.


10- The Callanish stones came about during what era?


11- A Gaelic festival that marks the end of the harvest season

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